Pre- Employment Transition Services


Pre-ETS are provided to high school students with disabilities. Wright Choices, Inc. offers 4 distinct Pre-ETS services:

Work Readiness Training

What are some of the basic skills needed to obtain employment? Learn best practices in:

  • Best Ways to Job Search;
  • Completing Applications;
  • Designing a Resume;
  • Dress for Success;
  • Best Practices for Interviewing;
  • Communication Skills On-the-Job;
  • Dos and Don’ts at Work.

A Wright Choices, Inc. Skills Instructor works with students in a group or individual setting to provide education, guidance, and development of a career profile.

Job Exploration Counseling

Explore the world of careers through interest and skills surveys. Identify local employers with your chosen career. Find out the education and skills needed to be able to entire different careers. Identify the future outlook of careers and pay ranges.

A Wright Choices, Inc. Skills Instructor works with students in a group or individual setting to provide education, guidance, and development of a career profile.

Work-Based Learning

Meet employers in the community that you can discuss and ask questions about different careers.

  • Informational Interviews with Local Employers;
  • Job Shadow for the Day;
  • Job Fairs;

Work Experience

Real work experiences that matches a student’s interest and needs to a local employer to complete either a paid or unpaid internship. A Wright Choices’ Skills instructor provides support on-the-job. The student has the opportunity to be paired up with a mentor to learn the skills needed to be successful in his/her chosen field.